If we are unable to identify you from electronic searches, we will contact you explaining what we require, and which forms of proof of id are acceptable. Other acceptable documents include driving licences, bank statements and HMRC correspondence.
We would require 1 document from Section 1 and 2 documents from Section 2 below.
Section 1 – Identity documents
- Valid UK Passport
- Valid EEA and Switzerland passport
- Valid UK driving licence photocard
- Valid EU and EEA member state national ID photocard
- Valid UK firearms / shotgun licence
If you do not have one of the above we can also consider:
- Valid old-style UK driving licence (we will also require two additional address documents from section 2).
- UK state pension letter dated within the last year.
- HMRC self-assessment letter or tax demand dated within the current financial year.
Section 2 – Address documents
- Valid UK driving licence photocard (if not already used as proof of identity)
- Bank / Building Society / credit card statement dated within last 3 months.
- Utility bill dated within the last 3 months.
- Annual council tax bill
- Annual mortgage statement
- HMRC self-assessment letters or tax demand dated within the current financial year.
- UK state pension letter dated within the last year.